A must service for all new graduates

So, you have spent between 3-6 years getting a degree or a diploma in the field you wanted to work in and spent on an average $20,000 to $ 50,000+ on your education and realize that after graduation there are just a handful of jobs on your University/College career site and almost all of the main career sites are asking for 3-10 years of experience.  You apply but do not get any responses from job openings.

New Graduates have one of the toughest times in connecting with companies in their field after they graduate.  We make that process easy. We help you connect with companies and get noticed quickly.

Job Boards/Sites like Monster, CareerBuilder, etc. are great tools for people who have experience and most agencies and recruiters who post jobs on these sites are looking for specific people with the right experience to match their clients’ needs.  New Graduates do not realize that most companies do not advertise on these job boards, they hire internally or through local newspapers. So even if you were checking daily on job boards you are only accessing less than 5% of the jobs out there.

Most students are late in applying or do not know where to apply. It is important you start applying 3 months before you want to work.  If you are graduating in May then start in February. There is more to just applying to a few jobs on job boards or with recruiters. That’s not enough, and there are more jobs available than you think. Do you know approximately 95% of companies do not advertise directly to Universities or Colleges?

The key to searching for that right job is understanding how to open new doors for yourself and how to get access to that “HIDDEN JOB MARKET”. It is known to all, that OVER 90% of opportunities are not published. Companies do not spend money for advertising of junior entry level positions. They rely on word of mouth, internal recommendations and direct applications.

It took this team 6 years to strategize the needs of people, the system and approach, the contacts, and hence this service.

Our approach allows us to apply directly to human resources emails of various mid-sized to large organizations on behalf of you.  We apply directly to complete Job Sectors and Industries who would appreciate your educational background, your goals, and passion even though you have limited experience. In essence, our goal is to open doors for job seekers who had no access to in the first place. Companies are always looking even when they are not hiring.

  • 1
    Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat.
  • 2
    Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
  • 3

    Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Cras ultricies ligula sed.

  • 4

    Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget.

  • 5
    Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta.

Maecenas volutpat ipsum sit amet risus varius pretium quis eget est. Vestibulum placerat blandit posuere. Sed dapibus dui quis pulvinar feugiat. Maecenas vel euismod est. Integer suscipit neque cursus, mattis lorem eget, vestibulum enim. Aliquam in erat ligula. Cras sit amet scelerisque libero, vitae mattis odio. Donec nec dignissim risus. Aliquam quis tristique eros. Nullam gravida magna vehicula felis pulvinar vulputate ac nec erat. Donec ornare fermentum massa sed dapibus. Proin orci erat, laoreet ut pulvinar vel, finibus at mi praesent malesuada dictum.

Nullam eleifend neque ac sapien scelerisque aliquam id sit amet ligula. Praesent quis sapien sit amet felis egestas auctor eget in neque. Donec in imperdiet quam, et dignissim lectus. Integer nec lacus efficitur, eleifend nisi nec, semper risus. Sed rutrum a neque ac hendrerit. Praesent consequat arcu euismod mattis mollis. Ut nunc ligula, ornare quis pharetra at, porta nec diam. Sed est quis mi fermentum dapibus. Cras augue urna, blandit vel urna eu, dictum volutpat nisi. Fusce in posuere massa.


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