Our clients partnerships in progress

Our pricing plans

Career Consulting


Unlock your full potential and achieve career success with the guidance of our experienced career consultants.

  • Career assessment

  • One 50 minute coaching session with a career coach over phone or zoom.

  • After call detailed reports are included.

  • Follow-up recommendations from your consultant.

Resume Revision


Maximize your career potential with a professionally crafted resume.

  • Edit & rewrite, Free research included
  • Review & critique
  • ATS-optimized resume/curriculum vitae

  • Up to three revisions included

LinkedIn Profile Optimization


Elevate your professional brand and expand your network with our LinkedIn optimization services.

  • Strong headline and compelling summary

  • Request and screen reviews

  • Optimize profile for recruiters

  • SEO keywords for high ranking on searches

Surplusjob search service

$150 / week

Get ready for interviews while we while we apply for jobs on your behalf.

  • Advanced job search technology.

  • Automates many of the tedious and time-consuming aspects of the job search process.

  • No repetitive and time-consuming aspects of the job search process required by you.

  • Request live Access to consultant.

Job Search Strategy


Optimize your job search potential with a personalized and proactive strategy.

  • Industry assessment data

  • Research companies and industries that interest you.

  • Leverage your existing networks to connect with people in your industry, attend job fairs and networking events.

  • Email Access to consultant.

Interview Prep


Ace your next interview with confidence and ease by working with our experienced interview team.

  • Providing you with tailored tips

  • Two 15 minute Free mock interviews

  • Tailored Interview questions
  • Follow-up recommendations from your consultant.

Cover Letter


We will translate your relevant work experience to create the perfect cover letter to land your dream job.

  • Edit & rewrite, Free research included

  • Brief introduction that grabs the reader’s attention

  • Using Employer SEO keywords, we tailor your skills and experience to fit the desired job.

  • End the letter with a strong closing that reiterates your interest in the job and thanks the reader for their time.

Career Consulting


Unlock your full potential and achieve career success with the guidance of our experienced career consultants.

  • Career assessment.

  • One 50 minute coaching session with a career coach over phone or zoom.

  • After call detailed reports are included.

  • Follow-up recommendations from your consultant.

Resume Revision


Maximize your career potential with a professionally crafted resume.

  • Edit & rewrite, Free research included.

  • Review & critique.

  • ATS-optimized resume/curriculum vitae.

  • Up to three revisions included.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization


Elevate your professional brand and expand your network with our LinkedIn optimization services.

  • Strong headline and compelling summary.

  • Request and screen reviews.

  • Optimize profile for recruiters.

  • SEO keywords for high ranking on searches.

Surplusjob search service

$150 / week

Get ready for interviews while we while we apply for jobs on your behalf.

  • Advanced job search technology.

  • Automates many of the tedious and time-consuming aspects of the job search process.

  • No repetitive and time-consuming aspects of the job search process required by you.

  • Request live Access to consultant.

Job Search Strategy


Optimize your job search potential with a personalized and proactive strategy.

  • Industry assessment data.

  • Research companies and industries that interest you.

  • Leverage your existing networks to connect with people in your industry, attend virtual job fairs, and networking events.

  • Email access to consultant.

Interview Prep


Ace your next interview with confidence and ease by working with our experienced interview team.

  • Providing you with tailored tips.

  • Two 15 minute Free mock interviews.

  • Tailored Interview questions.

  • Follow-up recommendations from your consultant.

Cover Letter Revision


We will translate your relevant work experience to create the perfect cover letter to land your dream job.

  • Edit & rewrite, Free research included.
  • Brief introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.

  • Using Employer SEO keywords, we tailor your skills and experience to fit the desired job.

  • End the letter with a strong closing that reiterates your interest in the job and thanks the reader for their time.



Find your dream job, effortlessly with SurplusJob.